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Created 2-Mar-13
Modified 30-Oct-22
Visitors 84
16 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Aves, Bird, Birds, Wisconsin

American White Pelican PortraitMallard Duck KissRing-billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis)Black and White Pelican Nest.Mallard in a CrowdForster's Tern ChickBlack-Crowned Night Heron EggsAmerican Bittern NestForster's Tern Nest and EggsTippy Yellow-Headed Blackbird NestBlue-wing Teal Nest with EggsSnowy Owl PerchSnowy Owl FlightBlack-Crowned Night Heron NestCalling Ring-billed GullInjured Forster's Tern